This certificate program will incorporate:
1. A live virtual training workshop for The Nurtured Heart Approach® /Component 1 of CAT© (Via Zoom- 7 hour)
2. Web-based Module Learning for Attachment Games/Component 2 of CAT©-9 modules in total, approximately 1 hour in length
3. Individual Review Training Sessions (IRTS) after each module. Participants are to have a family they will be utilizing CAT approach based on the results of developmental history and behavior matrix. A total of 10 one (1) hour supervisory sessions.
4. Post test for each developmental stages before starting next stage (3 in total).
5. Participants will submit video of practicum of CAT© for certification (1 hour video in length.)
6. Completion of behavior matrix on child presented (10 minutes for pre and post attachment games)
7. Video of 2 additional families the participant is working with utilizing CAT©. (2 hours total) (FOR CAT© PRACTITIONERS ONLY)